we talk about some sensitive content that can be more sensitive to others. please know
all conversations are personal experiences and opinions, we love you all.
The dance break and intro song is: FUN FUN FUN by Dimitrix feat Raquel Castro
start: a bad dad joke
1:08- work bulls*t warning triggering topics,
"editors note" if anyone wants to try and help people in need please look within your community for shelter and soup kitchens get all the info, and they will tell you how to help :)
19:32- unique kids' names and the promise
32:30- dance break: fun fun fun, Air2Fire returns with, to bidet? or not to bidet?
37:41- are you the same as 5 years ago?
45:00- while growing is your personality changing do you still got your charm wink wink...we speak lightly on this topic there is so much more to say but you're just gonna have to get to know us
53:00- DREAMSSSSSS do you know your delta beta alpha and theta? , and have you ever jumped like Mario to fly? can you see the future?
1:10:00- future projects to come.
" When we converse amongst ourselves we speak hoping people can relate to us, we share hoping to give a Lil relief in letting you know you're not alone in this world on how one feels about life, we want people to relate, so if we share a story and you have a similar one hit us up on our platforms and we'll give a listen."
sorry this episode is a little longer WE LOVE YA, THANKS FOR LISTENING