
By: Lee and Rose Johnson
  • Summary

  • AfterschoolEd: the homeschool podcast nobody asked for! We're talking about aspects of homeschool that aren't usually covered: the senior year, all the tests and college application processes, the gap year, going to college as a girl who's been mostly homeschooled in rural MT her whole life, and going out into the "real world" as a homeschool grad. We'll have some great tips for homeschooling, and some fun peaks into our world living on the Beartooth Front and running a bustling business. All of this set in a family bar, with a profane and probably dangerous chef. We'll drop new eps on a biweekly basis.
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  • The Last of the OGs
    Feb 13 2025

    Season One has been a blast. Thanks for tuning in.
    Big changes coming. Rose is super busy with Senior Year stuff- teaching in Billings at 7:45am sometimes.
    At MontAsia, we have the lowest staffing levels ever, and we're expecting the biggest numbers ever, so Chef is strapped. He's often doing dishes until 3am.
    We simply can't record and edit two hour eps anymore.
    We'll do a one more big Season One Finale, and then Season Two will have new format. Stay tuned. We're really excited.

    Oui Oui
    After the shortest intro ever, bam: The Tik Tok ban. Chef and Rose bring different takes to the ban that would never be, until it was, and then immediately wasn't (?????).

    Now Geo
    We circle back to the diversity of South Korea. We're both surprised, and we both have to go.

    We finish up our Holiday Binge Reviews with quite the selection. Climax fucked us both up. What a movie. There were some hits and misses after that. More feces than either of us expected.

    NowGeo / SOS
    Chef corrects the record on the French always losing, and points out that they amassed a bigger empire than the US ever did. Cue the tweets.

    We've been getting requests for serious Homeschool info from parents' perspective. Chef breaks down some of the daunting barriers to homeschool.

    Getting Rose psyched for her trip to France this year Chef talks about French geography, and highlights some of the different regions of France worth a visit.

    Rose walks us through the last semester of her senior year, which his head-spinningly busy.
    Remember y'all, the Senior Year above all other years is the example of the progressive homeschool ideology that most of the best lessons take place outside of the home, out in the field or volunteering etc. And like Chef has been saying for years, Rose is certainly out there.

    After a brief detour into the world of professional Rock Paper Scissors, because Chef in a divergent maniac, we're back on track; Rose would have us read, and Chef would concur with a specific Carl Hiassen ammendment.

    Much Love y'all. Season one has been a blast. See you for the finale!

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Out of The Loop, In on The Arts
    Jan 19 2025

    We start with one of our biggest intros ever, but we cover a lot, from the Vegas and CA vacays, to Home Schooling, plus a mini ScratchEd segment talks about how all the cancer days have been slowing down our schedule, but it has been a happy break with really special family time.

    In an AfterschoolEd first: a breaking news segment!!!
    During our post intro recording break, DUO called Chef only to hang up on him. What did Chef say to piss of that owl so much she had to hang up? Tune in to find out.

    Back to normal programming: a ReviewEd buffet. It's been an origami and binging holiday, and we watched a lot. From White Lotus to Black Dove, 3:10 to Yuma to Bonesaw, Lucky Logan to Queenpins, we have notes. It's a quick mini review of each one.

    Rose gave Chef a tip so good, he has to pass it on. Learn y'all, learn.

    ReviewEd Rose Special Edition
    In a segment so good, we have to make it a tradition, Rose does her 10 Ins & 10 Outs for 2025. She's got some bangers. Chef agrees, then gets jealous and does his own on the fly.

    Koan Koan Git
    In an awesome Education Moment, Chef starts a Koan only for Rose to recognize it less than one line in. Not only does she know it, she just told it the other day to a friend. Rose takes over the tale, nails it, and we talk about what turns out to be a mutual favorite Koan. Cross the River with us. We promise to set you down.

    We bring back an AfterschoolEd fan favorite and check in one a couple big '24 "Cancellations".
    Trump, Rowling, Roiland, and more, we talk about what they did, and if they were cancelled- surprising year, surprising results.

    Tip Out
    Chef has a lazy, bucolic, beautiful tip for the peak of SADS and cold season: a great way to relax in the Reels or YouTube rabbitholes.
    Rose came in fiery for her best Tip Out yet. She's getting ready for a year of huge travels so the travel vids and travel crew she found are perfect.

    Stay out of the Loop in 2025! Go float canals, or play a huge game of Tag with your friends. We love you! Approaching 1k downloads!!!!! Thanks to South Asia- the region downloadind them most of this content. We love you guys too.
    Hug your famly, much love from Rose and Chef.

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    1 hr and 44 mins
  • Mulled Wine: A Slow Simmered Holiday Ep
    Dec 30 2024

    Last '24 Episode!!! We survived.

    In an AfterschoolEd first, Chef flies solo for a (mercifully) brief segment: a cancer and scheduling update. Don't worry, it's not bad, and it's over quick. He's. . . he's not a good solo voice. He needs help. Lots of help.

    Been a lot of family couch time between cancer and vacay, so we've been binging, and we're testing out AfterschoolEd's new rating system with a rapidfire ReviewEd session: from the X Triology to Starsky & Hutch, from Person of Interest to Smile 2, we saw a lot recently and we have notes.

    In a mini Oui Oui we talk about the fallout from Barry's breakup with Sabrina. Chef knows more than you'd have thought. The internet also still needs to chill.

    Oui Oui
    In the main Oui Oui, Chef learns why Gen Alpha is looking forward to knee surgery.

    Koan Koan
    We dive right into what is very much not surprisingly one of Chef's favority Koans. It involves very sharp knives, sudden and unwarranted violence, and outright misanthropy. Of course he loves it.

    Christmas is maybe the #1 time of the year for background shows and movies to stream while your insane Uncle raves about 5G causing frogs to be gay. In honor of Huannakah, we each name our Eight Flicks of the Season: the best content for holiday streaming with the friends and fam.

    Oui Oui
    Chef takes over the Oui Oui stream, and we get soaked in Proud Boy cereal milk.

    We dip our toe back into Who Cooked the Last Supper with a quick history lesson of a Queen who's been whitewashed and genderwashed from history. A true Queen. A Leader on par with Alexander and a Queen who quite literally bested Cyrus: Thosyris.

    Tip Out
    Chef gets spooky with a crazy wild Tip Out, and Rose goes traditional with a Johnson family tradition that should be way way more widespread in the States.

    Thanks for all the listens. 14 countries have tuned in. A few new reviews. Lots of good feedback. Thanks for joining us for the ride. Happy New Year!

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    1 hr and 24 mins

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