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We reveal how we doubled McDaniel College's student enrollment and sold out a classical music concert.
Observation rules over questioning and the Pain-Gain-Job framework is the game-changer.
Unlock the hidden potential of keyword research, competitor analysis, and the underrated art of mystery shopping. Discover how GPT can be your ace in the hole for market research, making you the leader in your competitive landscape.
Ever tasted your own cooking (trying to buy and use your product)? Enter the world of 'dogfooding', the self-refining strategy employed by giants like Facebook and
Get privileged access to our research interviews revealing profound insights on location-dependent memory, respondent behavior, and the authenticity of conducting interviews at people's homes.
Join us as we draw practical marketing lessons from industry titans like McDonald's, Disneyland, and Apple and deep-dive into captivating marketing techniques like the 'fake door' experiments.
And the grand finale? A fail-proof protocol for conducting marketing research, even when your target audience is as intimate as 100 people.
Stay tuned for a roller-coaster ride through the intriguing realm of marketing research, and be prepared to transform your business like never before.
1. Conduct qualitative research through interviews
2. Even a few interviews provide valuable insights
3. Make quick changes based on customer feedback
4. Understand the “job” a product needs to do for the customer
5. Don’t focus on product features in isolation
6. Identify customer pains and gains
7. Segment different customer groups
8. Different groups hire products for different jobs
9. Understand functional, social and emotional jobs
10. Identify key benefits that customers actually value
00:00:00 Doubling Enrollements in McDaniel College: A Case Study
00:03:18 Observation and Dog Fooding for Conversion Rate Optimization
00:04:36 Dogfooding: Understanding User Needs Through Observation
00:09:28 espondent Behavior in Interviews
00:14:33 Usability Testing: A Guide to Observing Real-Life Behaviors and Recording User Experiences
00:16:03 User Behavior Through Screen Recording and Google Analytics: A Discussion on Fake Door Experiments
00:20:06 A/B Testing for McDaniel College
00:21:54 Qualitative and Quantitative Research
00:25:00 Arndold Schwarzenegger in Budapest: a Case Study of Crisis Marketing
00:26:48 Advanced Tactics for Market Research
00:30:04 Jobs to be Done Framework
00:32:08 Skyrocketing Milkshake Sales at McDonald's
00:35:26 Job, Pain, and Gain of Milkshakes, University Education, and Disneyland
00:40:56 Segment or die
00:42:42 Social and Emotional Jobs of Apple, Starbucks, and Tesla
00:45:23 CardBrand Strategy: How Car Brands Take Away Pain and Frustration
00:46:53 Signaling and Social Perception in Human Society
00:48:42 Disruptive Technologies: Understanding Jobs, Pains, and Gains
00:51:03 Identifying Customer Pains for Business Success
00:53:49 Pain and Gain Points in Qualitative Research
00:58:26 Cheaper Alternatives to Keyword Research
00:59:48 Overview of Keyword Research and Survey Design
01:04:05 Different Approaches
01:06:22 Tips for Crafting Effective Questions in Surveys
01:12:12 Group Interviews
01:14:08 Low-Cost Research Tools: Mystery Shopping and Dogfooding
01:15:52 Mystery Shopping and Customer Expert Interviews
01:20:26 Research Case Study: Cooking School
01:22:12 Uncovering Insights: Analyzing Competitors, Segmen