Why study Satan? 1) The Bible identifies Satan as public enemy #1, the greatest adversary (Heb., Satan = Adversary) of all sentient beings – including God. To fight him we need to know him[1] (2Co 2:11 = Paul’s use of the plural personal pronoun [“we”] when claiming they were “not ignorant” of Satan’s “schemes” implies that he and his pastoral team -and possibly those in the Corinthian church, had received in-depth teaching on Satan’s profile).[2] 2) Satan is no longer incarcerated and mounting a global misinformation/hate campaign against the last vestige of God’s people on earth (Rev 20:1-9). Our ability to prepare ourselves through its identification also demands we endeavor to possess an accurate and thorough profile of his person and history (1Th 2:14-18 w/3:1-4 = Endurance thru diagnosis). The following profile is based on the conclusions that may be drawn about Satan when considering the teachings of Scripture and traditions of the Ancient Near East (ANE).CREATION AND PRE-CRIME CAREER 1. Satan was a high ranking, highly elite throne-guardian angel who looks like a fiery winged serpent or dragon and existed as one of several types of elohim created not only before human beings but the construction of our entire universe. CRIMES AND PENALTIES 2. Satan sparked an insurrection not only against God but His high priest Adam, convincing a third of the angel population to follow him in his rebellion.3. The initial punishments suffered by Satan for his double insurrection were threefold: 1) loss of position [as throne guardian], 2) loss of physical form in this world [as a glorious dragon], 3) imprisoned in Hades [lowest, darkest, most desolate and fiery portion of Sheol]. Satan was reduced to a groveling amputee who now works as the night manager at the hotel Hades. That said, Satan retains command of a large demonic army with access to our world. 4. For almost six thousand years, Satan has been using his access to our world and the power of Sheol to reduce God’s army while increasing his own.[3] 4.1. access to our world: Though Satan’s imprisonment in Hades means he (and his angels) no longer possessed citizenship in the spiritual realm of heaven or the natural realm of earth (their two former residences – Gen 1:1 w/Job 38:4-7 and Eze 28:13-16), because Hades exists in the same geographical location as earth (Hades is the “earth beneath”- Eze 31:14) he (and his angels) still possess access to our realm. Entrance into our world primarily happens through entering - in various ways or degrees, the bodies of living physical beings – most especially human beings. Hence why Jesus says that when an unclean spirit is exorcised, it is forced to return to Hades (i.e., travel through “waterless places”), until it can find another physical host (Mat 12:43-45; Consider also Luk 8:30-33). 4.2. How Satan uses human bodies to reduce God’s army while increasing his own: 1) By placing in the minds of sinful people (Christian and non-Christian) the lie that God (Yhwh) is a fraud (e.g., Gen 3:4-5) = God is a lying, emotionally abusive, manipulator (v4; Pro 19:3) who is really not God in the truest sense (infinite and uncreated, the source of all other life) (v5a; Psa 10:4, 14:1, 53:1), but a selfish bigot and control freak whose self-deluded worship of Himself has convinced Him that His laws are the only ones worth following (5b = You will be able to make your own laws or determine for yourselves what is right and wrong). That Satan still possesses the ability to place in our brains strong and convincing lies about God after his expulsion from our world is confirmed in the NT (Joh 13:2 = Jesus is a fraud; 2Co 4:3-4 w/Eph 2:1-3 w/1Jo 3:7-12 = The gospel or Christianity [loyalty to God: His laws and people] is a fraud; Mat 13:19 = Christians are frauds; Rev 12:9-10 “deceives the whole world…accuser of our brethren”[as frauds]-10 = God, Jesus, the gospel, Christianity and Christians are all evil frauds).2) By placing in the minds of sinful people (Christian and non-Christian) the lie that serving self or the world (what they have to offer) is better than serving God (what He has to offer) (Jam 4:1-8).3) By placing in the minds of people not welcomed to God (those who do not truly love God/who have not truly counted the cost of following Christ - Luk 14:25-35) a very strong and convincing argument to get saved/be baptized into Christ’s Church (e.g., Act 8:13 w/21) so that they can eventually become stumbling blocks that cause others to ruin their testimony or go apostate (Mat 13:24-30, 18:7-10; Luk 17:1; 2Pe 2:13-22; Jud 1:12-19). 4) By possessing unto apostasy those excommunicated Christians who have not embraced comprehensive repentance.[4] This danger is a part of Paul’s instruction in (1Co 5:5) “deliver to Satan” = (Lev 16:10) “send it into the wilderness [outside the heavenly outpost/realm of heaven to the realm of Hades] to Azazel [Satan].”[5] Every time ...