“Many paths lead to the same destination, it doesn’t matter how you get there.” Our intention with A Crazy Little Thing Called Law has always held raising the collective human vibration as our sole focus, & the resistance to my podcast’s existence, in so many forms—the multitude of lawsuits (about 2 dozen), the fear & shame-based retaliatory defamation & libelous slander across the internet & sworn under oath in court testimonies alike, the spiritual reckonings (including an inoperable cancer on one of my abuser’s sides, which my loved ones & I continue to hold space & healing prayers for)—these all feel counterproductive to our Wo-manifesto, & to our mission. Thus, I, well, we (as my beautiful, brilliant, brave, invisible team members stand with me), have decided to call our energies back & head out in search of new roads leading to our benevolent visions. After the 2019 Women’s March, at a little patio table at Cole’s in Downtown LA, my Godfather told me that a long time ago, before the Anglo-Norman definition took over as we know it… the etymology of ‘surrender’ actually meant, ‘a move to the winning side’. I haven’t been playing with house money, folks—this is my real life, all of ours’. And the weight of it is too much for my shoulders alone anymore. So how do we want this story to end? First & foremost, we want the story of Season One, Civil Disobedience to END. (It’s been almost 8 years now.) Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a very real, & very dangerous disease that is difficult to diagnose in our current social, governmental, & otherwise overseeing structures. A much larger percentage of the population is afflicted with it than the average person is aware of, much like addiction. It too, just like
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