Charlie Antis is a man who follows his passion for giving. Starting with putting a roof on a single mother’s home over thirty years ago to being on the board of the Ronald McDonald House, his philanthropic journey is incredible and heartwarming. Show Summary We are kicking off this episode of our podcast with Charles Antis, owner of Antis Roofing, who lives purposefully by weaving charitable causes into his life. Growing up in a blue-collar timber town in Oregon, Charles wasn’t exposed to big business. He found work at a local roofing company and learned the trade of roofing. Charles picked up enough side jobs to start his own business fixing leaky roofs, which eventually turned into his full-time business. “We can change industry and change community and create a positive light on so much,” says Charlie of his giving campaigns. No matter how profitable his fiscal year, he always commits and follows-through with his giving endeavors. “We couldn’t let anyone have a leaky roof because they didn’t have the money to pay” is a big part of his philanthropic value. So when he received a call from Habitat for Humanity to give eight roofs to military families, he couldn’t say no. “You’ll never see me call myself a philanthropist, I’m a businessman,” Charles tells me, even though he has donated much of his time, manpower and materials to needy families. His experience with his premature twins and Ronald McDonald House led him to partner with this organization to provide safe and dry housing for families of pediatric patients. Listen in to find out how Charles fell into his giving campaigns, why he wants to be “all-in” on his giving campaigns, and how he found himself through the journey with his causes. Learn how he has moved through challenges of giving and why his employees are happy and stay with him long-term. In This Episode: [01:25] Charle’s journey into a life of giving. [03:25] How he started in the roofing business in his small Oregon town. [05:35] His story of how he gave a single mom whose home was full of mold a new roof. [10:50] The a-ha moment of giving when he put the new roof on as a charitable gift. [12:23] Charlie’s call with Habitat with Humanity and a turning point for his brand. [14:14] His experience with giving and the Ronald McDonald House. [18:40] Talking to the business developer of Ronald McDonald House and the Roofing Alliance. [23:26] Charle’s giving campaign to give to others who give to their favorite organization. [25:49] Why 501-3C gift cards equate to happy employees who tell great stories. [29:28] Authenticity is the key to a good life and business. [35:18] Causes Charlie recommends. Guest Bio His story began early in Charles’ career when every piece of business was necessary to pay the bills and support his young family. He met a mother with seven children living in a mildew infested home, desperate for a roof with no ability to pay. Though strapped for cash, Charles gave the family a new roof. That was the start of a life-long practice – to give back first. Charles Antis believes that his purpose is to give more and to inspire his employees and other small and mid-size companies to make a difference by volunteering and giving financially to causes in their communities. “Join me in creating the world in which we want to live!” This is the battle cry from Antis Roofing & Waterproofing Founder & CEO, Charles Antis, to his employees, clients, and the community. While Antis Roofing’s purpose is to keep families safe and dry, Charles is fulfilled by igniting passion in others to do good. His company attracts so many employees who are passionate about giving back. Antis Roofing is making a profound difference in their community. Today, the value of saying yes and giving back is a value embedded in the company culture. Links and Resources Eyes Wide Open Real Estate Investment on YouTube Eyes Wide Open Investing Email Don Ganguly Connect with Don Ganguly on LinkedIn Antis Roofing Contact Charles Antis Charles Antis on LinkedIn Connect with One OC