The ballot for the 2022 General Election in Michigan includes one of the most radical and extreme bills ever proposed in the United States and even in the world! Under Proposal 3, it will propose passing a State Constitutional Amendment known deceptively as the Reproductive Rights for All amendment. This proposal will: 1. remove parental consent and notification to parents for minors (for abortion as well as creates provisions to get sterilization and hormone therapy); 2. remove informed medical consent laws; 3. remove laws that require abortion facilities to be licensed and inspected by the State of Michigan; 4. removes laws that prosecute anyone who injures or kills a woman during an abortion; 5. revoke conscience rights of medical professionals who choose not to participate in abortions; 6. allow abortion up to the day of birth, including partial birth abortions; 7. remove 24-hour waiting period (period of counseling before abortion); 8. allow taxpayer funded abortion; 9. premature babies, babies with health problem, or babies born alive can legally be denied extraordinary health care; 10. Murdering the most vulnerable is everywhere and always wrong, and this amendment is to expand and increase that reality in Michigan. Ballot text - Full amendment: Analysis of Amendment: Bishop Boyea's letter: Sign-up for Bishop Boyea's FightLikeHeaven Campaign by texting "FightLikeHeaven" to 84576. Support MI Women and Children: Analysis of Planned Parenthood's latest annual report - Older episodes on abortion: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: What Do 9/11 & Abortion Have in Common: Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us. Questions? Reach out to me directly at God bless you all abundantly! Available on iTunes, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Player FM, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Stitcher. Artwork by Yongsung Kim