How to create habits by Australia's very own Dr Happy

Dr Tim Sharp is a clinical and consulting psychologist with three degrees in psychology and a distinguished career over several decades. He's Australia's very own 'Dr Happy', has run one of Sydney’s most respected clinical psychology practices, a highly regarded executive coaching practice, and is founder and CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) of The Happiness Institute, Australia’s first and largest organisation devoted to enhancing happiness. Dr Tim Sharp has taught at most of the major universities in Australia and is currently Adjunct Professor at both UTS and RMIT. Actively involved in research, his key areas of interest include enhancing happiness at work and promoting healthy living via positive psychology principles.

Dr Tim Sharp's top tips

Having worked with and studied literally thousands of happy and successful people over several decades, I’ve learned that although all different, all of them have something in common: they foster and develop positive habits. They make what they want and need to do, automatic. The good news is that anyone can do this! To get you started, here are my top tips:

Start small. Make your initial actions so small and easy that you can’t not do them.

Recognise and reward yourself for any and every positive step.

Build from success: Slowly and gradually build your habits so you enjoy more and more benefits.

Be prepared for setbacks, these are normal and inevitable. Don’t beat yourself up if things go wrong; be kind to yourself and start again as soon and as best you can.

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