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New Releases
What If? 10th Anniversary Edition
- Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
- By: Randall Munroe
- Narrated by: Wil Wheaton
- Length: 7 hrs and 28 mins
- Unabridged
Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange questions: What if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at ninety percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last? What if everyone only had one soulmate? What would happen if the moon went away? In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators.
By: Randall Munroe
The Future Loves You
- How and Why We Should Abolish Death
- By: Dr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
- Narrated by: Dr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
- Length: 12 hrs and 25 mins
- Unabridged
From ventilators to brain implants, medicine has been blurring what it means to die. In a lucid description of modern neuroscientific thinking, Zeleznikow-Johnston explains that death is not the loss of breath, but of personal identity – that the core of our identities is our minds, and that our minds are encoded in the structure of our brains. On this basis, he explores how recent discoveries now offer us all the chance of preserving our minds for future revival. Whether they discovered cures or fought for justice, we are grateful to those of our ancestors who helped craft a kinder world.
Light of the Mind, Light of the World
- Illuminating Science Through Faith
- By: Spencer A. Klavan
- Narrated by: Spencer A. Klavan
- Length: 7 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
Light of the Mind, Light of the World tells a daring new story about how we got here, and how we can chart a better path forward. Surveying the history of science and faith from the astronomers of Babylon to the quantum physicists of postwar Europe and America, classicist and scholar Spencer A. Klavan argues that science itself is leading us not away from God but back to him, and to the ancient faith that places the human soul at the center of the universe.
La physique de l’extrême
- By: Julien Bobroff
- Narrated by: Julien Bobroff
- Length: 4 hrs and 39 mins
- Unabridged
" 18 avril 2018 : Shojiro Takejama appuie sur le bouton rouge qui déclenche son expérience. Boum ! Dans l'explosion qui s'ensuit et qui manque de détruire le laboratoire, le chercheur parvient à produire le champ magnétique le plus intense au monde : 1 000 fois celui qui règne dans un tunnel d'IRM.
By: Julien Bobroff
LSD (Italian Edition)
- Da Albert Hofmann a Steve Jobs, da Timothy Leary a Robin Carhart-Harris: storia di una sostanza stupefacente
- By: Agnese Codignola
- Narrated by: Francesca Vettori
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
19 aprile 1943. Albert Hofmann, chimico in forze all'azienda farmaceutica Sandoz di Basilea, inforca la bicicletta e si avvia verso casa. Sembra un giorno come un altro, se non fosse che ha appena assunto 250 microgrammi di dietilammide-25 dell'acido lisergico, un composto da lui stesso sintetizzato nella ricerca di uno stimolante della circolazione sanguigna. Ciò che accade durante il tragitto sconvolge la sua nozione del reale: visioni coloratissime, meravigliose e mostruose, percezioni di realtà parallele, terrori, euforie. È nato l'Lsd.
By: Agnese Codignola
Now Is the Time to Collect
- Daniel Giraud Elliot, Carl Akeley, and the Field Museum African Expedition of 1896
- By: Paul D. Brinkman
- Narrated by: Christopher Grove
- Length: 13 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
After the extinction of the dodo and Carolina parakeet and the collapse of the American bison population, naturalists expected many more vulnerable species to die out with spread of industrialization. This triggered a race to collect rare species of animals expected soon to be lost forever. Established in 1893, Chicago's Field Museum aimed to become a global center of study. Zoologist Daniel Giraud Elliot persuaded museum patrons to fund an immediate expedition to British Somaliland (contemporary Somalia). There, his team hunted and killed hundreds of animals for the growing collection.
By: Paul D. Brinkman
What If? 10th Anniversary Edition
- Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
- By: Randall Munroe
- Narrated by: Wil Wheaton
- Length: 7 hrs and 28 mins
- Unabridged
Fans of xkcd ask Munroe a lot of strange questions: What if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at ninety percent the speed of light? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? If there was a robot apocalypse, how long would humanity last? What if everyone only had one soulmate? What would happen if the moon went away? In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators.
By: Randall Munroe
The Future Loves You
- How and Why We Should Abolish Death
- By: Dr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
- Narrated by: Dr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston
- Length: 12 hrs and 25 mins
- Unabridged
From ventilators to brain implants, medicine has been blurring what it means to die. In a lucid description of modern neuroscientific thinking, Zeleznikow-Johnston explains that death is not the loss of breath, but of personal identity – that the core of our identities is our minds, and that our minds are encoded in the structure of our brains. On this basis, he explores how recent discoveries now offer us all the chance of preserving our minds for future revival. Whether they discovered cures or fought for justice, we are grateful to those of our ancestors who helped craft a kinder world.
Light of the Mind, Light of the World
- Illuminating Science Through Faith
- By: Spencer A. Klavan
- Narrated by: Spencer A. Klavan
- Length: 7 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
Light of the Mind, Light of the World tells a daring new story about how we got here, and how we can chart a better path forward. Surveying the history of science and faith from the astronomers of Babylon to the quantum physicists of postwar Europe and America, classicist and scholar Spencer A. Klavan argues that science itself is leading us not away from God but back to him, and to the ancient faith that places the human soul at the center of the universe.
La physique de l’extrême
- By: Julien Bobroff
- Narrated by: Julien Bobroff
- Length: 4 hrs and 39 mins
- Unabridged
" 18 avril 2018 : Shojiro Takejama appuie sur le bouton rouge qui déclenche son expérience. Boum ! Dans l'explosion qui s'ensuit et qui manque de détruire le laboratoire, le chercheur parvient à produire le champ magnétique le plus intense au monde : 1 000 fois celui qui règne dans un tunnel d'IRM.
By: Julien Bobroff
LSD (Italian Edition)
- Da Albert Hofmann a Steve Jobs, da Timothy Leary a Robin Carhart-Harris: storia di una sostanza stupefacente
- By: Agnese Codignola
- Narrated by: Francesca Vettori
- Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
19 aprile 1943. Albert Hofmann, chimico in forze all'azienda farmaceutica Sandoz di Basilea, inforca la bicicletta e si avvia verso casa. Sembra un giorno come un altro, se non fosse che ha appena assunto 250 microgrammi di dietilammide-25 dell'acido lisergico, un composto da lui stesso sintetizzato nella ricerca di uno stimolante della circolazione sanguigna. Ciò che accade durante il tragitto sconvolge la sua nozione del reale: visioni coloratissime, meravigliose e mostruose, percezioni di realtà parallele, terrori, euforie. È nato l'Lsd.
By: Agnese Codignola
Now Is the Time to Collect
- Daniel Giraud Elliot, Carl Akeley, and the Field Museum African Expedition of 1896
- By: Paul D. Brinkman
- Narrated by: Christopher Grove
- Length: 13 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
After the extinction of the dodo and Carolina parakeet and the collapse of the American bison population, naturalists expected many more vulnerable species to die out with spread of industrialization. This triggered a race to collect rare species of animals expected soon to be lost forever. Established in 1893, Chicago's Field Museum aimed to become a global center of study. Zoologist Daniel Giraud Elliot persuaded museum patrons to fund an immediate expedition to British Somaliland (contemporary Somalia). There, his team hunted and killed hundreds of animals for the growing collection.
By: Paul D. Brinkman
L'incanto di Urania
- Venticinque secoli di esplorazione del cielo
- By: Massimo Capaccioli
- Narrated by: Alessandro Salvatori
- Length: 23 hrs and 27 mins
- Unabridged
Oggi sappiamo che l’universo ha avuto origine con un big bang e si è espanso sotto il controllo delle componenti oscure di materia ed energia; abbiamo imparato come si formano, evolvono e interagiscono le galassie, e come nascono, vivono e muoiono le stelle; abbiamo cercato i pianeti extrasolari e i segnali della vita, ascoltato l’urlo della fusione di due buchi neri e molto altro ancora. Un sapere frutto del balzo in avanti dell’astrofisica e della cosmologia nel Novecento, stimolato e secondato dai grandiosi progressi della fisica e dalla tecnologia.
The Russell Cosmogony
- A New Concept of Light, Matter, and Energy
- By: Walter Russell
- Narrated by: Luke Erlenbush
- Length: 2 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
The Russell Cosmogony: A New Concept of Light, Matter, and Energy by Walter Russell offers a revolutionary perspective on the workings of the universe, challenging conventional scientific paradigms. This groundbreaking work explores the principles of light, matter, energy, electricity, and magnetism through a unique lens, emphasizing the unity and rhythmic balance of all creation.
By: Walter Russell
Science, Submarines & Secrets
- The Incredible Early Years of the Albany Research Center
- By: Tai Stith
- Narrated by: Joe McQuillin
- Length: 8 hrs and 37 mins
- Unabridged
An unbelievable series of events led to the establishment of the Northwest Electro-development Laboratory, later the U.S. Bureau of Mines Albany Research Center. Though the fledgling lab had difficulty securing staff due to World War II, world-renown metallurgist William J. Kroll was hired early on as a consultant after fleeing Nazi occupation. Kroll, who had pioneered a method for producing commercial titanium, worked with his core group of associates to develop malleable zirconium, just as a need arose for the little-known metal.
By: Tai Stith
Right Now
- The Book of Odd: A New Perspective for This Reality
- By: Todd R LeBlanc
- Narrated by: Robert Plank
- Length: 6 hrs and 36 mins
- Unabridged
Embark on the exploration of 'The Book of Odd,' delving into the intricacies of our small world. Each chapter unfolds to reveal the active role consciousness plays in shaping an ever-evolving universe. This narrative underscores the profound interdependence of life, casting us as co-authors in a grand cosmic story. Beyond contemplation, the tale carries a passionate message about our collective influence on the present moment, Right Now. It champions our ability to shape destinies, turning potential into tangible outcomes and emphasizing the inherent purpose within each of us.
By: Todd R LeBlanc
The 48 Laws of Peace
- Timeless Secrets to Finding Peace in a Chaotic World (48 Laws of Living - Meditations Marcus Aurelius, Book 1)
- By: Victor O. Carl
- Narrated by: Wyatt Korell
- Length: 3 hrs and 42 mins
- Unabridged
In a world where chaos often reigns, inner peace seems more elusive than ever. The 48 Laws of Peace offers a roadmap to tranquility, using time-tested wisdom from Stoic philosophy and practical, modern-day strategies to help you find balance, clarity, and lasting calm. Inspired by the teachings of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus, each law provides a clear, actionable step to mastering your inner world and, ultimately, living a life of unshakable peace.
By: Victor O. Carl
Radical Amazement
- Contemplative Lessons from Black Holes, Supernovas, and Other Wonders of the Universe
- By: Judy Cannato
- Narrated by: Rachel Yong
- Length: 4 hrs and 39 mins
- Unabridged
Twentieth century science completely revolutionized human understanding of the world, rewriting the story of the universe with exciting discoveries and theories—the big bang, the relativity of space and time, the accelerating expansion of the universe, along with increasingly refined ideas of evolution and the origin of life.
By: Judy Cannato