
  • Apoplectic
    Apr 22 2022

    Apoplectic comes from a Greek word, that means "disabled by a stroke." 

    Other meaning include,  "disabled by a stroke, crippled, struck dumb, senseless; crippled, palsied,"

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    1 min
  • Shindig
    Apr 17 2022

    a large, lively party, especially one celebrating something.

    "the glitziest of election night shindigs"

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    1 min
  • Tambourine
    Apr 14 2022

    The tambourine is a musical instrument in the percussion family consisting of a frame, often of wood, or plastic, with pairs of small metal jingles, called "zills". Classically the term tambourine denotes an instrument with a drumhead, though some variants may not have a head.

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    1 min
  • Cojones
    Apr 11 2022

    cojones means, a great amount of courage. to have cojones is to be gutsy. "I admire your cojones, for standing up for what you believe in."

    The word is usually pronounced COH-hoan-es, with the accent on, the first syllable

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    1 min
  • Tumultuous
    Apr 8 2022

    Do you know that tumultuous, is a word? 

    Tumultuous is derived from a combination of the tumulus, and tumultuous, which began as separate Latin roots for the words mound, and noisy.

    Tumultuous is a fun, and upbeat word with an interesting history. It is derived from the Latin word tumidus, which means swelling, or inflated. 

    The word tumid was in turn derived from the Latin word tumescere, meaning to swell.

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    1 min
  • Rave
    Apr 5 2022

    Rave is British English slang for talking about something with great enthusiasm. The word rave was used in the late 16th century to mean, "excellent, pleasing, fine", and around a hundred years later to mean, "an enthusiastic review or, appreciation".

    Rave also refers to an energetic crowd of people at a party or concert, often with loud music playing. It can also refer to the music itself. The word rave was first used in the late 1980s to describe the subculture, that grew out of the acid house movement. While some raves may be small parties held at nightclubs or private residences, some raves have grown to immense sizes, such as the large festivals and events featuring multiple DJs and dance areas that play electronic dance music. The term rave was also used in the late 1980s to describe the "music of Madchester".

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    1 min
  • Astute
    Apr 2 2022

    What does astute mean? Astute means being very sharp and having lots of common sense. It's a way of describing someone who has great judgment and good wits, as well as common sense.

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    1 min
  • Glib
    Mar 30 2022

    Do you know? A type of person who is very skilled at talking, but not true to their word. They can lie or make up stories, and change the subject so you don't know that they are lying.

     Well, that person can be identified as Glib.

    The definition of glib is someone who speaks in a slick, superficial, or insincere way. Specifically, this means being able to sound smart on any subject, without really knowing what you are talking about.

    An example of glib is a telemarketer who rapidly gives a standard speech without really thinking about the customer's needs. 

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    1 min