• Early Signs of An Abuser - My Domestic Violence Story Part 2
    Sep 26 2024

    Domestic violence is a pervasive and often hidden issue that affects millions. Recognizing the early signs of an abuser can be crucial for protecting yourself and breaking free from a dangerous situations. Many survivors of domestic violence report overlooking or rationalizing away subtle red flags in the early stages of their relationships. By understanding and identifying these early warning signs, you can be empowered to recognize potentially abusive behaviors and seek help before situations escalate.

    In this episode, I share my personal story of domestic violence, exploring a series of pivotal moments that shed light on the complex dynamics of abusive relationships. From my initial move to Florida with my ex to the gradual loss of my personal freedom and the first time he physically abused me. My story serves as a reminder of how abusers can manipulate and control their partners. I highlight how my abuser isolated me, controlled our finances, and undermined my success and independence. By sharing these experiences, my goal is to empower other women to identify red flags in their own relationships and seek help before the situation escalates. Tune in to learn about my journey through years of abuse, my path to healing, and how I found love and joy on the other side of this traumatic experience.


    [00:00] Life with my ex in Florida

    [04:50] The false sense of security masked with humor, fun, and what I naively thought was love

    [06:45] Justifying where I was going every time I had to leave the house

    [07:55] Moving from Florida to Georgia

    [09:46] Financial abuse and emotional belittling due to my promotions at work.

    [11:48] The first incident of physical abuse and what I did next.

    [15:58] Being forced to quit my job because of my friend at work

    [17:16] The abuse from him continued, in big and small ways.

    [18:14] Realizing I was pregnant

    [18:50] Anger management classes and therapy sessions for healing

    [20:17] Moving back to Florida because of my pregnancy. Further isolation as I’d built a little bit of a support system in Georgia and he couldn’t allow that.

    [21:22] He wouldn’t cover my pregnancy health care bills and insurance

    [21:43] How I ended up being a prisoner again in my house

    [23:11] I had to prepare to take care of my daughter and myself

    [26:06] Ways they pull you away from environments where you have resources

    Notable Quotes
    • “Don’t put everything that you have in the hands of another person.”
    • “These types of people will start questioning your success because your success starts threatening their ego.”
    • “I had no access to any of our money or anything, and he liked it that way.”
    Connect with me: Gabi Garland

    Website: http://www.gabigarland.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland/

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    27 mins
  • Early Signs of An Abuser - My Domestic Violence Story Part 1
    Sep 12 2024

    Recognizing the signs of an abusive relationship can be challenging, especially when the abuse is subtle or disguised as love and concern. Abusive behavior often starts gradually, with seemingly minor incidents that escalate over time, making it difficult for victims to identify the pattern. Understanding these signs is crucial for potential victims and friends, family members, and professionals who can offer support and intervention.

    In this episode, I share a series of pivotal moments, including quitting my job to move in with an abuser and the realization that things were not as they seemed; we gain insight into the complex dynamics of abusive relationships. This narration serves as a stark reminder that abusers often prey on those who are vulnerable or lacking in self-esteem. However, not always and in Gabi's story she was confident, successful and led a very happy life. Her goal is to highlight the importance of recognizing the warning signs early on. By sharing this story, The goal is to empower other women to identify red flags in their relationships and seek help before it's too late. Tune in to learn more about the story of my years spent with an abuser and how 20 years later I've healed so much of the woman I was back then and have found love and joy on the other side of abuse.


    [02:10] Domestic Violence & reflection after watching #itendswithus

    [05:17] My ex's death

    [07:31] How I met him

    [13:16] When the isolation started - key signs early on abusers do to isolate you

    [16:10] When the unraveling of my self esteem and worthiness began

    [19:52] The first trip to meet him

    [25:20] Quitting my job to move across the country

    Notable Quotes
    • “I wish that I had somebody to tell me this is crazy back then.”
    • “The things that are said or the ways that we show up in the world are based upon the narrative that we have carried from somebody else’s shitty words.”
    • “Sometimes, you don’t know or believe, you have the ability to start a new life.”
    • “We have the ability to choose.”
    • “Money and power go hand in hand, especially with men that are abusive and manipulative.”
    Connect with me: Gabi Garland

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland/

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    32 mins
  • Rediscovering Your Identity and Breaking Generational Cycles with Romel Peters
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode, I am joined by Romel, a proud Mumpreneur, Intuitive Mindset Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Podcaster and Author on a mission to help individuals who struggle with self-identity rediscover who they are on a soul level by breaking the unhealthy cycles of generational patterns and expectations. Having undergone her massive transformation after hitting rock bottom in 2018, Romel now uses her expertise and experience to guide her clients through their own Self-Discovery journey. She is passionate about creating healthy spaces and the resources you may need to ‘master the art’ of harnessing your natural gift of intuition so you feel more capable and confident about stepping into your main character's energy, managing the ebbs and flows of life, and unleashing your authentic self (unapologetically) into this world.

    Today, Romel shares her journey of healing from domestic abuse, losing her father, and rediscovering her true self. We discuss the importance of self-love, forgiveness, and breaking generational cycles. She also provides insights on moving forward and creating a life you love, even after experiencing trauma.

    Join the conversation now!


    [01:31] Romel's background and work as an intuitive mindset coach

    [01:57] The importance of the intersection between business and personal well-being

    [02:36] Benefits of recognizing challenges are not unique to oneself

    [04:05] Rediscovering lost passions and true identity

    [06:13] Romel's journey of healing

    [08:05] Leaving a toxic relationship and the healing process

    [11:20] Romel's advice for someone freshly out of an abusive relationship

    [15:17] How emotional abuse manifests in a relationship

    [16:09] Romel's most significant lesson from transitioning out of an abusive relationship

    [18:26] The importance of embracing our humanity

    [21:09] The significance of generational cycle breakers

    [34:05] The empowering aspect of decision-making in the healing journey

    • It doesn't matter what you've been through, big or small, or whatever you felt from that. You, um, it's valid 'cause you've been through it, and it's what you feel, and it's not your story. It's not your story; it's just a chapter.
    • Whatever you need to rewire for yourself, keep repeating it, and it will become second nature. It is just, like I said, taking the baby steps. It all comes together once you do all the smaller stuff.
    • It will get better as long as you want it to. Essentially, what you feel on the inside will always reflect on the outside.
    • As hard as it might be, once you take that first step, it gets a little bit easier, and you just keep taking the steps until it's just a walk in the park.

    Romel Peters Coaching

    Intuitive Mindset Coach & Mentor





    Gabi Garland

    Calendly for Nashville:


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland

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    36 mins
  • Embracing Purpose as a Single Woman Without Children with Sonjia “Lioness” Mackey
    Jun 13 2024

    In a world often fixated on family and children, single childfree women may wonder about their place and purpose. But fret not, for your path to fulfillment lies in embracing your unique journey. Your divine purpose isn't bound by societal norms or expectations; it's about discovering what truly ignites your soul. Dive into your passions, explore new interests, and seize every opportunity that speaks to your heart.

    In this episode, I am joined by Sonjia “Lioness” Mackey, divine purpose and life coach who targets single childfree women, to talk about how single women can discover their divine purpose, step into their unique identity, and create a life of more joy and fulfillment. She shares her motivation behind helping single women discover their purpose, steps for creating a happy life for the single woman, and how it feels to find your purpose as a single woman. She also discusses how married women can build a safe environment for single women friends. Tune in to learn more about this and other exciting topics!


    [04:10] Sonjia Mackey’s background information

    [04:46] The motivation behind helping single women discover their purpose and live a joyful life

    [07:36] Sonjia’s advice to women who are being pressured to do things they don’t want to do

    [10:40] Steps for creating a happy life for the single woman

    [13:11] The shift in Sonjia’s life that made the difference

    [16:49] How it feels to find your purpose as a single woman and then find a partner

    [19:45] How the married women can build a safe environment for single women's friends

    [25:00] Sonjia’s advice for women who don’t want kids

    [27:53] The self-clarity questions that will help you figure out what you want in life

    [35:28] How women can make themselves the focus in the new year

    [38:42] The things that single women should be mindful of on their journey to a more fulfilling life

    [44:00] Sonjia’s final thoughts

    Notable quotes:
    • “We all have the drive to do something different, especially single women, and we need to give life to them, let them rise to the surface and explore them because they are there for a reason, and they are meant to create a life that is going to make us happy.”
    • “Stop waiting for other people for the things you want in life.”
    • “When you put the effort to live your best single life, it positions you to live your best-partnered life.”
    • “Closure is a gift of self-love that you give to yourself.”
    Episode resources:

    The book: Top Five Regrets of the Dying

    Connect with us: Sonjia “Lioness” Mackey

    Email: Sonjia@StillWorthyWomen.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sonjia.mackey/

    Gabi Garland

    Website: http://www.gabigarland.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland/

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    46 mins
  • Minisode: The Struggles, Joys, and Beauty of Parenting
    Jun 6 2024

    In this vulnerable episode, Gabi interviews her daughter Gianna.

    They discuss how Gianna's father died at 4 yrs old and her and Gabi truly grew up together. From Gianna wanting to become a firefighter to staying in New Mexico amidst her moms move, they open up about their mother daughter relationship over the last twenty years.

    From raising children in two different communities and what seems like two different eras, Gabi explains how different it has been for both of her children.

    Gianna recalls an experience that crafted her strength was a time when she was little and had a fit in the middle of the floor of a grocery store and her mom laid down right next to her and started screaming. Gianna recalls this being the moment she realized it that if her mom doesn't care what other people think than she shouldn't either.

    As a mom with adult children or a single mother you will feel every bit of this open episode between mother and daughter.

    Ready for the full episode experience? Don't wait any longer! Click the below links to access and dive into the captivating world of the complete episode.

    Growing Up Together With My Adult Daughter Gianna

    The Struggles, Joys, and Beauty of Parenting

    Don't forget to follow/subscribe to be more updated on the next episode.

    Gabi Garland

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland

    Book now!

    Resilient Phoenix Nashville

    Podcast Agency Info

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    15 mins
  • How Chiropractic Techniques Tackle Stress Head-On with Amir Rashidian
    May 30 2024

    In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress can take a toll on both body and mind. But what if there was a way to align your body and calm your mind simultaneously? Enter chiropractic techniques, a powerful tool in combating stress head-on. By targeting the body's alignment, chiropractic care not only relieves physical tension but also promotes mental relaxation, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

    In this episode, I am joined by Amir Rashidian, a Chiropractic Doctor and the owner of Mid Atlantic Clinic of Chiropractic, to talk about how he focuses on stress management in his practice. He shares ways to asses your stress threshold, the most impactful ways to manage your stress, and the three dimensions of stress. He also discusses how women can help their kids and husbands navigate stress. Tune in to learn more about this and other exciting topics!


    [03:23] How Dr. Amir got into the space of chiropractic treatment

    [08:46] How Dr. Amir focuses on stress management in his practice

    [10:48] Ways to access your stress threshold

    [14:11] Tips for moms to help their kids navigate stress

    [20:48] The most impactful ways to manage your stress

    [23:40] The three dimensions of stress

    [28:00] The mind and body connection in exercise

    [30:40] How women can convince and help their husbands manage stress

    [36:23] Dr. Amir’s final takeaways

    Notable quotes:

    “How healthy you are is determined by how much stress you can safely handle.”

    “The tougher the journey, the sweeter the destination.”

    “The mind and body connection in how we move and exercise is fascinating. We can tell ourselves this is what we need to do as long as we are connected to it, and then we start moving in that direction.”

    “How you eat is more important than what you eat.”

    Episode resources:

    The book: Cracking the Stress Secret: How to Turn Pressure into Power

    Connect with us: Amir Rashidian

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amir-rashidian-a0b3a67/

    Website: https://drrashidian.com/

    Mid Atlantic Clinic of Chiropractic: https://www.midatlanticclinic.com/

    Gabi Garland

    Website: http://www.gabigarland.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland/

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    39 mins
  • Reclaiming Sexual and Spiritual Wholeness with Lorna Gale
    May 23 2024

    In this episode, I am joined by Lorna, an Elder, Somatic Sexuality and Spirituality Mentor and Story Unweaver who helps people experience sexual freedom and spiritual wholeness. She is a poet, writer, and “story unweaver” in the spiritual, erotic realm where divine feminine energy and sacred masculine form reflect Spirit in the human experience. After being a stay-at-home mom for 12 years, followed by a 12-year career as an educator in the school system, Lorna turned her focus to wellness for herself and then as a teacher of energy medicine, bodywork, somatic sex education, and Bondassage. Through their work with Lorna, people are coming home to themselves, Sexually and spiritually. Lorna’s mission in the world is to support people in living erotically alive, sexually free and spiritually whole, beyond shame, guilt, sin, permission, outer authority, or the illusion of separation, and with the divine feminine and masculine experienced in harmony within and without.
    Today, Lorna shares her journey of reconnecting with her sexuality after being raised in a religious household. She discusses the importance of consent, self-pleasure, and honoring one's desires. We also explore the impact of patriarchal and cultural conditioning on women's sexuality and the need for unlearning harmful beliefs.

    Tune in for these and more exciting insights!


    [02:36] Lorna's background and work

    [03:51] Lorna's journey of sexual disconnection

    [07:30] Lorna's midlife sexual awakening

    [09:34] Advice for women starting to explore their desires

    [12:56] The impact of trauma and assault on disconnection

    [16:25] Honoring children's boundaries and autonomy

    [19:31] Generational healing and breaking patterns

    [22:41] Unlearning the "good girl" narrative

    [25:53] Societal expectations and pressure on women

    [29:31] The role of mothers in shaping sexual narratives

    [32:23] Advice for women in unfulfilling relationships

    • There's nothing wrong with them; there's nothing shameful about their desires, interests, and curiosities across the whole spectrum of what they might want to do.
    • No matter where they are sexually, no matter how much they're connected or disconnected from their bodies or sexuality, number one, there's nothing wrong with them.
    • There's nothing wrong about I should be, you know, letting my partner touch me. It's kind of like, no, but can you be your own best lover.
    • I just really invite women to take pleasure in their sensations and their sensuality and really come back home to that place of love for themselves.
    • Women can truly honour themselves and know their power, their sexuality, and their divine leadership. It's almost become as they do their inner work and really keep going against those things we've been taught, take care of everybody else, all of that they can really honor themselves.

    Virtual Dinner Party

    DM Lorna Gale https://www.facebook.com/lorna.gale.108

    Trusted Bodywork


    Reclaiming Eden - Private FB Group for Women





    Gabi's links:


    Calendly for Nashville:


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    42 mins
  • Mindful Transformation: Living Your Best Life Through Awareness with Dawn Gaden
    May 16 2024

    Mindful transformation is about using the power of mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, which helps you make positive changes and live your best life. By practicing mindfulness, you can better understand yourself and your reactions, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and purpose. This awareness helps you break free from behavioral patterns and make conscious choices that align with your true values and goals.

    In this episode, I am joined by Dawn Gaden, the CEO of Mind Body Counseling and Coaching. She is an international speaker, licensed counselor, yoga teacher, self-image coach, and best-selling author. Dawn shares her transition from corporate life to starting a coaching business, ways people pleasers can break the pattern and live authentically, and ways people can tap into their true selves amid all the chaos. She also shares some tips to build a better relationship in your marriage and things you can do in the morning to light up your day. Tune in to learn more about this and other exciting topics!


    [01:34] Dawn Gaden’s background information

    [02:46] The story behind Dawn helping people live their best life

    [06:34] The transition from corporate life to starting a coaching business

    [10:50] Ways people pleasers can break the pattern and live their best life

    [14:00] Tapping into your true self amid all the chaos

    [16:58] How coaching and yoga has helped Dawn become a better parent

    [24:00] Ways to be mindful of how you speak to yourself

    [27:48] Tips to build a better relationship in your marriage

    [31:32] Ways to calm yourself when you are overwhelmed

    [35:03] Reasons why people get stuck in a pattern or a behavior

    [38:46] Things you can do in the morning to light up your day

    [43:10] Dawn Gaden’s upcoming events

    Notable quotes:
    • “The first person you need to learn and trust is yourself.”
    • “There is so much power within us and meditation helps us see and discover it.”
    • “You can’t give what you don’t have. So you have to be patient with your partner if you want your partner to be patient with you.”
    • “Listen to yourself, trust your heart, and know the difference between a negative thought and your true voice.”

    Connect with us: Dawn Gaden

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawngaden

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dawn.gaden

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dawngaden/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dawngaden

    Gabi Garland

    Website: http://www.gabigarland.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabi.garland/

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    44 mins