The Girls (as Amy DeFazio and Robbie-Ann Feeney) do a Deep Dive into 70s sitcom classic Laverne and Shirley. The iconic shabby basement apartment, which Amy reports was also the former set of another classic sitcom. The show's frequent 'winter' settings. Landlady Mrs. Babish. Lenny Kosnowski and Andrew 'Squiggy' Squiggman - David Lander and Michael McKean...and the surprising origins of their characters. Did Shirley and Laverne date Lenny and Squiggy, or what? Robbie-Ann wonders about a Steinbeck influence on their characters. Carmine - Shirley's 'sweetheart.' Character analysis: Shirley Feeney. Were you Shirley or Laverne? Boo-Boo Kitty - Cindy Williams' ad lib. The origins of the famous nonsense hop-scotch intro "5, 6, 7 8..." Some ocean-floor level deeeep-dive trivia on the iconic theme song sung by Cyndi Greco, and its connections to the Happy Days theme song. How producers discovered Cyndi Greco singing at an amusement park. Sidebar: go find the documentary The Wrecking Crew about the famous musicians who played on pretty much EVERYTHING between 1960 and 1980. The Ron Hicklin Singers: the surprising "Making Our Dreams Come True" theme connection with The Partridge Family, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Kawasaki and McDonald's jingles, and a long list of 60s and 70s hits. Robbie-Ann reports the 'WHAAAT?!" connection with the "Making Our Dreams Come True" song and...."We Are the World?!" Character breakdown: Laverne DeFazio. The iconic 'L' monogram on her sweaters, which Penny Marshall contributed to Laverne's costume. The abomination of 'milk and Pepsi.' Amy reports on Laverne's backstory. The incredible physical comedy from the two leads. Shirley's disappearance from the last season of the show - the 'marriage' excuse. Michael McKean's exit to shoot "Spinal Tap" - and Amy reports a stunning announcement that Spinal Tap actually appeared on an episode in the last season. The final episode of Season 8 - a Carmine spin-off? The show's move to Burbank that jumped the shark. Laverne and Shirley in Burbank: gift wrappers? "Big Rosie" as their nemesis in early episodes. When Mrs. Babish married Laverne's father Frank, but leaves him in the lurch in later episodes. Robbie-Ann's issue with sitcoms that got serious: just be funny please. Sidebar: Seinfeld's wise 'no hugs' policy on the sitcom. Amy liked those episodes though, because it was unexpected. The 80s hair and wardrobe of the later seasons, even though it was supposed to be late 60s. The lost season 5 when Laverne and Shirley joined the Army Reserves. The show's great use of the street-level window as a comedy device. How Cindy Williams and Penny Marshall initially got on the show, and their connection to...Francis Ford Coppola? Penny Marshall's marriage to Rob Reiner, and Cindy Williams' marriage to Bill Hudson of the Hudson Brothers. The infamous terms 'Vo-di-oh-do-do' and 'hot to trot.' The 're-virginization' of Laverne and Shirley. Rumors of off-camera antics: partying? Diva behavior? Drugs? The effects of the show's success on egos and the work environment. The cozy first seasons and the focus on the characters' friendship. Didn't every little girl think she would grow up to live with her best friend?