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Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic

Reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic

This post originally was published on

It’s been five long, interesting years since the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic and the first global lockdowns helped shape a collective experience of isolation, fear, uncertainty, boredom, and even creativity as coronavirus spread around the world. Buzzwords like “remote schooling,” “social distancing,” and “PPE” became everyday vocabulary as we worried about the health of ourselves and our loved ones, cheered on frontline workers, and tried to navigate our “new normal” as best we could amid shifting guidelines and developments.

As the past half-decade unfolded and brought an official end to the pandemic, we’ve gained some perspective on the many impacts of COVID-19. There is still much to be done in the way of study and research, but a growing collection of storytellers provides valuable reflections, from nonfiction accounts chronicling the virus in real time to novels, stories, and plays inspired by quarantine and contagion. They join classics such as The Decameron in chronicling how human resilience and connection can thrive alongside tragedy and error, and help pave the way toward better understanding and preparation in the future.
